
5G LOW PIM DAS Antenna - 5G antenna manufacturer

5G DAS Antenna

Airplux make 5G Low PIM DAS Antennas, included 5G Omni Ceiling Antenna, 5G Indoor Panel Antenna, 5G Outdoor Panel Antenna, 5G Log Periodic Antenna, and more other types 5G Antennas for IBS (In-Building Solution) & DAS (Distributed Antenna System).

5G Small Cell Antenna

Design & Customized 5G Small Cell Antennas, included 5G Indoor Panel Antenna, 5G Outdoor Panel Antenna, 5G Elevator Antenna, 5G Stadium Antenna, and more other type of 5G Small Cell Antenna for different scenes.

5G Base Station Antenna

Airplux develop & Customized 5G Base Station Antennas, included 5G Massive MIMO Antenna, 5G Smart Antenna, 5G MMwave Antenna, and more other antenna for 5G Base Station Applications and carrier mobile network.

other 5G Antenna - 5g custom antenna factory

Other 5G Antenna

Airplux has a full portfolio antennas, it also has 5G GPS Antenna, 5G GNSS antenna, 5G CPE Antenna, 5G Router Antenna, 5G Terminal Antenna, and more other type of 5G Antennas for different applications and solutions.

Your 5G Antenna Solution Provider, Contact us for your Antenna Requirement.